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Using Sp Flashtool For Android

Here is the procedure Flash stock or custom rom rom using SP Firmware Flash tool. Before performing the flashing procedure. first download and install the drivers on your computer operation system Windows.

For driver Download

Before Flashing make sure the battery charged 40-50 percent in order to avoid the flashing process fails because of lack of battery power

Set SP Flashtool All Versions

How to install SP Flashtool is as follows

  1. Extract the file and put it in a folder
  2. locate the file in the folder flash_tool.exe
  3. Right-click the Run administrator
  4. select the Download menu (to enter the selection load file), then there will be Scatter loading and fill with MediaTek driver version that corresponds to your Android device and "download"
  5. there is also a request to scatter loading file DA.bin his
  6. Last connect hp per instruction buttons that are often used when the flashing is vol up and vol down + -. if no home Buton Buton mostly using additional home.

How to Flash using SP Flashtool :
  1. Download and install Usb driver in your computer
  2. Download extrack SP flashtool and Stock Firmware accordance with the type of your android
  3. Turn off and remove the battery for about 10 seconds and plug it again
  4. Open SP Flashtool.exe 
  5. Select scatter loading in SP Flashtool and navigate to stock firmware has been downloaded and select scatter-android
  6. After selecting scatter android waiting SP Flashtool prepare files or loading run
  7. Click Download on the SP Flashtool at top left and choose the download mode in the bottom
  8. On the condition turn off, Connect Devices You use Usb Cable in the computer while holding down the volume down or volume up and let the computer detect the usb driver to loading on SP Flashtool running. and let the process.
  9. Once the process is running about 10 minutes Flashtool will be completed with a green stain marks success
  10. Close SP Flashtool and disconnect your phone from the computer. Relive your mobile phone. And congratulations Flashing success
  • After Flashing successful initial loading your android is rather long. But do not worry Android you will return to normal as new
Using Sp Flashtool For Android Reviewed by Unknown on 8:03 AM Rating: 5

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